MI, WI & MN Concealed Carry & Home Defense Fundamentals

Training so you can apply for your Concealed Carry Permit (CPL/CCW) in MI, WI & MN. Permits are good in 33 States for WI and 39 States for MI. For MN you get a non-resident permit.

Concealed Carry and Home Defense Fundamentals is a comprehensive course for anyone considering owning or carrying a firearm for self-defense. The course is a complete guide to understanding conflict avoidance and situational awareness; home security and home defense; handgun, shotgun and AR-15 basics; shooting fundamentals; the physiology of violent encounters; the legal aspects of using deadly force (including knowing what to do in the aftermath); and a complete guide on gear, gadgets, and ongoing training.

Time: 8:00am to approx 4:30pm ( 5 hour class time and 3 hour range time)

Price: $125.00 (includes range fees)

Location: Superior Range Sportsman's Club, N13302 Black River Rd., Ironwood, MI 49938

* Meets the requirements to apply for the MI, WI & MN concealed carry permit. 

Next class: Saturday, October 5, 2024

 Register Here